Strengthening Your AD Security by Rotating the krbtgt Password
When it comes to safeguarding your Active Directory environment, rotating the krbtgt password is one of the most critical (and often overlooked) steps. The krbtgt account anchors the Kerberos authentication process: any compromise here can jeopardize your entire domain. This article explains what the krbtgt account is, why regular password rotations are vital (especially to…
Discord Bot
Something I’ve been working on for a while and now I’m pretty happy with it. It’s Popcorn, the Depressed AI Cat!!! Popcorn is running using ChrisRude’s https://github.com/chrisrude/oobabot. I found the real challenge here was getting the old API running in Oobabooga. I can’t remember exactly how I got it going but backing up the folders…
Discord Calendar
So today I made a program to read a public google calendar and post reminders in to discord using webhooks. The program can read Date, Time and Location information. Any links or information included in the description field will be passed through. At some point I’ll get on github and post this code somewhere. Now…
DIY AI Journal
This is my AI Journal Project. I’m documenting it here. This is really just a fun little project I work on from time to time as a way to explore myself through conversations with AI. I feel like talking to AI is great for this task, but regular AI is not private and may not…